Rev. Brian Fallon '04
Industry – MINISTRY
EDUCATION – MA and Mdiv, kenrick-glennon seminary; BA IN PHILOSOPHY and LETTERS, Saint Louis University
Describe what you're working on and/or what you're most proud to have accomplished.
I've been a priest for the Archdiocese of St. Louis for 10 years. In that time I've served as a parish priest and as the diocesan Vocation Director. It's been a joy to walk with young men and women discerning calls to priesthood and religious life, leading retreats and small groups, as well as some larger youth events.
Like any priest, I have a front seat to what the Lord is doing in the lives of His people. I'm starting to lose count of the baptisms and weddings (including five classmates!), but each one has been a privilege. I'm hoping for five or so more decades, Fr. Hagan style.
You know we have to ask it. Do you have a favorite SLUH memory or teacher?
Tie for favorite teacher: Steve Missey helped me edit papers and Prep News articles, but also suggested ways to revise my outlook on life. Jim Linhares taught me how to run Cross Country courses, but also how to "Run so as to win" in the faith (1 Cor 9:24).
Think back to senior year. Was this the job you dreamed of? If not, then what?
I was thinking about priesthood in high school and knew I was called to enter seminary. But priesthood has been far different than I imagined. I didn't know how fulfilling it could be to follow Jesus.
Who or what inspired you to pursue your field of interest?
In addition to the diocesan priests, Frs. Sheridan, Hadel, Houlihan, Hagan, Harrison, Knapp and Cummings influenced me, each in their own way. They pointed to something (Someone) by their presence.
What does the future of your industry look like? What else would you like to accomplish?
The Archdiocese is implementing a plan called All Things New. We're evaluating our infrastructure, poor Mass attendance and fewer priestly vocations. I'm hoping we can reintroduce people to Jesus.
How are you acting as a Man for Others in your current role?
Ite inflammate omnia, "Go set the world on fire" is the motto of the Society of Jesus. I try to live that by what I say and do, and God has borne great fruit from it. (Prayer and coffee really help).
What advice would you give to current students?
You are good! Be kind to yourself! Ask good questions! The "Examen" is pure gold; use it! Meet someone new in your class. You need more sleep!
Were you involved in any activities at SLUH that hinted at your path?
SLUH taught me how to think, pray, and express myself. Through Cross Country and Prep News I came to understand what I'm capable of and how that can be a gift to others. I'm so grateful for this gift!
Be honest. What was your wildest BTSM (Back to School Mixer) outfit?
I rocked a white tux with a red vest and tie to Prom. It was my last date, so I went out in style!