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The following awards and honorary lists recognize individuals who are driven by an inextinguishable will to achieve excellence in all things Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam – For the Greater Glory of God. They pursue our Jesuit, Catholic mission with passion, perseverance and humility to be leaders and models for others.

The highest honor SLUH bestows upon its alumni, the Backer Award is presented to deserving graduates who best embody the principles and traditions of a Catholic, Jesuit education.

The John J. Divine, SJ Alumni Service Award is presented to outstanding alumni in recognition of their dedicated service to SLUH.

As a tribute to St. Ignatius who founded the Jesuits in 1540, SLUH annually recognizes 15 alumni under the age of 40 who are "setting the world on fire."

Each school year SLUH recognizes students from all grade levels for their exceptional leadership and achievement. 

The Sacred Heart Award recognizes extraordinary women and men who have discovered a love and devotion to SLUH through a passion for the school’s mission.

Our Alumni Trailblazers honorary list celebrates the achievements of graduates of color. 

SLUH honors faculty and staff annually for their inspired work and unwavering commitment to our Jesuit missions.