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St. Louis University High logo


Canvas is the SLUH Learning Management System (LMS). All SLUH courses will have a Canvas page, and all student assignments and grades are posted to Canvas.

Parents will first need to create an Observer account. Once created, parents log in using their email address.

Instructions for setting up parent Observer accounts are sent out at the beginning of each school year via our SLUHConnect newsletter. Pairing codes expire after a week or after one use, but you can always have your student generate a new one by following these directions.

Canvas App

To set up the Canvas Student (Android, iPhone/iPad) or Canvas Parent (Android, iPhone/iPad) app, when you search for a school, simply type in 'sluh' and hit next to go to our login page.

Note: The Parent app only shows grades and assignments, but it does have an easier-to-use user interface, especially for parents with multiple sons at SLUH.

Parents can download and log in to the Canvas Student app with their Observer accounts to see more course and assignment details. If you have multiple sons at SLUH, all of the courses will be mixed together in the Canvas Student app.