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Global Education

SLUH embraces a global education model that illuminates the vision of St. Ignatius.A globally conscious education is vital to succeed in our modern world of collaboration, diversity and rapid change, while providing the knowledge and understanding of culture, language, and global perspectives needed to carry out our Jesuit mission.

To achieve this mission, our Global Education Curriculum focuses on a "glocal" approach, offering SLUH students various global programs with an international travel component as well as local opportunities to develop global citizenship skills on our campus and in the St. Louis community.

Global Programs

Language Immersion Programs

Service Immersion Programs

Educational Travel Programs

local opportunities

One world Events

virtual exchanges

leadership development Programs

2024-25 Global Education Programs

Click on the programs below to get further information and apply to any programs you may be interested in.

Global Ed by the Numbers


Students Participating


Faculty Participating

22Outbound Programs


Countries Visited

Think Globally. Act Locally.

SLUH requires all Jr. Bills to participate in at least one approved Global Education program during their four years.

Experiences range from local, in-house projects during school hours to long-term, international travel programs during school breaks.

explore options

Global Senior Projects

We offer several international options for Senior Project, a required service experience for all Jr. Bills during the month of January their senior year. Click the icons below to learn more.


From the Director of Global Education

In this SLUH Insignis podcast interview, Mr. Rob Chura highlights recent innovations in foreign language instruction. He also describes international travel and student exchange programs that have made SLUH a model for Jesuit schools across the nation.