National Honor Society
NHS Pillars
- Scholarship means a commitment to learning. A student must be willing to spend hours in reading and studying, knowing the lasting benefits of a cultivated mind. We should continue to learn, even when formal education has ended. Knowledge is one great element in life, which leads to the highest success, and it can be acquired in only one way: through diligence and effort.
- Character is the force within each individual which distinguishes that person from others. It gives each one individuality.
- Leadership means exerting a wholesome influence on the school. In taking the initiative in class and school activities, a real leader strives to train and aid others to attain the same objective.
- Service can be described in various ways. In the routine of the day’s work, many opportunities arise to help others. We are committed to the idea of volunteering our time and abilities for the creation of a better tomorrow.
Potential Member Information
NHS Membership Application Criteria
As a society of excellence, our members hold with great esteem the society's four pillars of Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service.
- Students who have a cumulative GPA of 3.60 or higher by the end of their third semester will receive a letter via email inviting them to apply to join NHS. Juniors who are not already members are also eligible to apply.
- With their application, candidates for NHS will submit verification of 18+ hours of service of presence. The service must have been performed within 10 months of applying. For example, hours completed during freshman year may not be applied toward this total. Hours must be recorded in Galaxy Digital within one week of completing service. Sophomores may use their sophomore service hours.
- Applicants must show involvement in at least three co-curricular activities that meet regularly (one of them may be a sport).
- SLUH faculty members will evaluate the character of those candidates who submit an application for the current school year. The Assistant Principal for Academics will evaluate each candidate for violations of academic integrity, and the Assistant Principal for Student Life will evaluate each candidate for discipline history for the current school year.
- Applications will be due in March. Students will be informed of the exact date when they are invited to apply.
Application Process
- The SLUH Faculty Council will evaluate the candidate applications and faculty/administration evaluation forms to determine if each candidate fulfills the requirements for membership. The selection or non-selection of NHS members is finalized by the SLUH principal.
- Candidates will receive a letter notifying them of their acceptance.
- Induction of new candidates will occur in April.
Current Member Information
NHS Service Information
Current members of NHS are required to complete 30 hours of service each year to maintain their good standing in the organization. The required hours are comprised of at least 18 hours of Service of Presence (Direct service to people who are marginalized) and 12 hours of Service to SLUH. They must also be actively involved in at least three clubs or organizations, one of which may be a MSHSAA sport.
A brief description of each type of service is given below along with an outline of how service hours can be properly completed. Service for Current Members is due in April.
Service of Presence: Service of Presence means that the service involves directly spending time with and getting to know people who, for one reason or another, have been marginalized. Participation as a mentor with the Clavius Project will count as Service of Presence as will volunteering with the St. Louis Board of Elections as a volunteer election judge. There are many opportunities available through Campus Ministry's Community Service Program (CSP) and several others listed on the NHS Canvas Page. Other opportunities will be added to Galaxy Digital as they become available.
Service to SLUH: This type of service recognizes that NHS members serve the SLUH community in ways that would traditionally be considered service, but do not fulfill the requirements of service of presence. Each National Honor Society Member must be a tour guide for SLUH’s Open House and must volunteer at other SLUH events, such as Cashbah, SLUHtique, or the food drives.
Involvement: As good citizens, NHS members are involved in their respective communities in multiple ways, all of which are essential. Involvement can be SLUH related, but other organizations, such as Boy Scouts, or youth groups, are valid groups for this type of service. All member are expected to be actively involved in three clubs or organizations, only one of these may be a MSHSAA sport. Students will be asked to complete a form with club moderator / coach signatures and submit it with proof of their service hours in April.
Recording Hours: All service hours must be recorded in Galaxy Digital shortly after completing the service.
* Senior members are required to complete a minimum of 12 hours of either Service of Presence of Service to SLUH in order to fulfill their requirement. Their Senior Service Project will fulfill the rest of their hours. Senior hours are also due in April.
How to apply
I would like to be a member of NHS. How will I know I am eligible and when can I submit a membership form?
Sophomores and Juniors who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.60 are invited to apply. They will receive application instructions via email at the beginning of second semester. It is imperative that students check their email regularly. Applications will be due at the end of March.
When are members inducted into NHS?
The induction ceremony is held in April.
How many service hours must I have to be considered for NHS membership?
Sophomores and Juniors who are applying must have served 18+ hours of service of presence completed within 10 months prior to submitting their application. Sophomores may count their 10 hours of Sophomore Service toward this number.
What is "Service of Presence?"
Service of Presence means that the service involves directly spending time with and getting to know people who, for one reason or another, have been marginalized. For example, serving a meal to people at a shelter would qualify as service of presence.
All approved service can be found on Galaxy Digital. New service sites may be requested for approval. Please see Mrs. Casey or Mrs. Carroll for more information.
Where can I find the list of approved agencies for NHS Service of Presence?
All approved service can be found on Galaxy Digital.
I would like to suggest additional agencies to be included on the list of approved agencies for NHS service of presence. What is the procedure to do that?
New service sites can be requested for approval prior to completing service. Please see Mrs. Carroll or Mrs. Casey for more information.
What is "Service to SLUH?"
This type of service recognizes that NHS members serve the SLUH community in ways that would traditionally be considered service, but do not fulfill the requirements of service of presence. Each National Honor Society Member must be a tour guide for SLUH’s open house and must volunteer for other SLUH events, such as Cashbah, SLUHtique, or the food drives. NHS members may complete 12 hours of service in this category.
What is "Service of Involvement?"
This type of service recognizes that NHS members are involved in their respective communities in multiple ways, all of which are essential. Involvement can be SLUH related, but other organizations, such as Boy Scouts or youth groups, are valid groups for this type of service. Current members are required to complete an activity form listing their co-curricular activities and obtain verifying signatures from their moderators and coaches. This form is available from the NHS moderators.
I've been invited to join The National Society of High School Scholars. Should I join?
No. and NSHSS are both essentially scams and you should not join them. While they may not be malicious, there is absolutely no benefit to you in joining. We do not charge students to join SLUH's NHS and discourage them from joining any other program that asks for money.
I was just inducted as a member of NHS. Now what?
For Juniors: Beginning June 1, your service hours will count for hours served for the following school year. NHS members must complete all 30+ hours of service by the end of April. Members must attend NHS quarterly meetings and assist with other NHS sponsored activities including but not limited to NHS Days of Service, Teacher Karaoke, NHS Book Drive, the Green Locker Clean-out, and the Induction Ceremony. Other activities will be planned by the NHS officers and NHS members will be notified as necessary.
For Seniors: Beginning June 1, your service hours will count for hours served for the following school year. NHS members must complete all 12+ hours of either service of presence of service to SLUH by end of April. Members must attend NHS quarterly meetings and assist with other NHS sponsored activities including but not limited to Teacher Karaoke, NHS Book Drive, the Green Locker Clean-out, and the Induction Ceremony. Other activities will be planned by the NHS officers and NHS members will be notified as necessary.
Does Senior Service Project count towards my hours needed for NHS during Senior year?
Yes, but you need an additional 12+ hours completed by end of April.
Is there a deadline to complete the required service hours?
Yes. Service hours are due at the end of April. Specific dates change from year to year.
I forgot to turn in my service hour form by the due date. Are there consequences?
Please see Mrs. Carroll or Mrs. Casey if your form is late.
I was not able to complete the required number of service hours by the final due date. Are there consequences?
Members who do not complete the required number of service hours by the final due date will be placed on probation for one subsequent complete quarter (1st quarter of the following school year). If, by the end of that time, that member has performed the necessary remaining service hours from the previous school year, and his actions do not warrant further consequences, his membership will return to regular status. However, if, during that time, that member fails to live up to the duties of an NHS member (such as failure to complete his missing service hours from the previous year, submit the required service forms, pay his dues, or attend mandatory activities, etc...) his NHS membership will be revoked. Seniors who are on probation anytime during the 4th quarter will not be recognized as "NHS members in good standing" at the All School Awards Ceremony in April.
Besides the service requirement, what else is required?
Members must attend the quarterly meetings and assist with other NHS sponsored activities