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National Honor Society


NHS Pillars

  • Scholarship means a commitment to learning. A student must be willing to spend hours in reading and studying, knowing the lasting benefits of a cultivated mind. We should continue to learn, even when formal education has ended. Knowledge is one great element in life, which leads to the highest success, and it can be acquired in only one way: through diligence and effort.
  • Character is the force within each individual which distinguishes that person from others. It gives each one individuality.
  • Leadership means exerting a wholesome influence on the school. In taking the initiative in class and school activities, a real leader strives to train and aid others to attain the same objective.
  • Service can be described in various ways. In the routine of the day’s work, many opportunities arise to help others. We are committed to the idea of volunteering our time and abilities for the creation of a better tomorrow.



Mrs. Jennifer Carroll

Mrs. Lynne Casey