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Our Mission & Profile

Our Mission

We are a Catholic, Jesuit college-preparatory school for young men, committed to our presence in the city of St. Louis and dedicated to building Christ’s kingdom of truth, justice, love and peace. We serve young men based on their ability to succeed, rather than their economic circumstances.

Through a rigorous academic program, we help our students develop critical minds and a life-long devotion to learning that informs moral choices and transforms lives.

In addition to assisting in the intellectual, aesthetic, social, and physical formation of our students, we help them develop compassionate hearts by fostering habits of personal prayer, reflection, and service for the Greater Glory of God.

Quick Facts


SLUH, as well as other Jesuit schools across the nation, uses the profile of the Graduate at Graduation (Grad at Grad) to outline five important characteristics students strive to embody upon graduation ...

Read More about GRAD AT GRAD