Endowed Funds
Creating endowed funds ensures hallmark features of St. Louis U. High will thrive for future generations.
Donors can establish and name endowed funds starting with gifts of $50,000. SLUH is honored to recognize these named funds in our annual Gratitude Report and across campus alongside our named Scholarships. Funds can be created to support departments or programs within four priority areas:
Endowed Fund Levels
Initiated Funds
Minimum gift: $50,000
Named funds are initiated with gifts of $50,000, which can be made through installments over a few years.
Sustaining Funds
minimum gift: $500,000
Maturing Funds grow to a point where a substantial impact is made on the donor’s area of interest. Donors receive reports on the impact and growth of their fund through ongoing contributions and appreciation from the SLUH endowment.
Establishment Funds
minimum gift: $1,000,000
Endowed funds of $1,000,000 assure the financial viability of programs and departments at SLUH throughout its third century and beyond. Donors receive reports on the impact and growth of their fund through ongoing contributions and appreciation from the SLUH endowment.
Endowed Faculty Positions
minimum gift: $2,000,000
SLUH is honored to name chairs of departments or directorships of major programs with gifts of $2,000,000.
For more information, contact Sean Agniel ’96, Vice President of Advancement at sagniel@sluh.org.
Endowed Funds
Stephen Aylward '64 Fund for Social Studies
Tom Becvar Fund for Mathematics
James Costigan '62 Fund for STEM
Harriet and Francis Alan FitzGibbon Memorial Fund for Francis Scholars
Francis Scholars Fund
Charles Jellinek Endowed Fund for Water Polo
Susan and Joseph Pichler '57 Fund for College Counseling
Rich Family Fund for Business Education
Dr. Tai Chingling Fund for Advanced Chinese Language and Culture Studies
Tice Family Fund for Inclusive Growth