Fully Endowed Scholarships
A fully endowed scholarship requires an investment of $325,000. On average, the endowment principal should earn enough to provide one full tuition annually, based on the Board approved 5.75% draw from the school endowment. The endowment’s long-term rate of return is estimated at 7%.
Benefactors who intend to complete a fully endowed scholarship within a few years commit to the scholarship amount at the time the signed donor form is received by SLUH.
Are you interested in investing in a bright future for promising young men through our scholarship program? Please contact Linda Domeyer at ldomeyer@sluh.org or (314) 269-2113 for more information.
In Gratitude
SLUH is grateful to our generous benefactors for establishing the following fully endowed scholarships, which will benefit our Jr. Bills in perpetuity.
Joan and Mark Aiazzi '74 Scholarship
Anonymous (4)
Michael F. Arens '74 Scholarship
Aylward Family Scholarship
The Azar Family Scholarship
Given by Mark and Patricia Azar
Dick ’53 and Katy Baalmann Scholarship
J. Babka Scholarship
Fr. Richard L. Bailey, SJ Scholarship
Given by Robert Millman '54
Fr. Richard L. Bailey, SJ Memorial Scholarship
Bakewell Family Scholarship – Anderson '31, Alexander '32, Nicholas '37 and Peter '37
Donated by Edward L., Jr. '34
Joseph Balestreri Scholarship
John Richard Ballwin Memorial Scholarship
Michael '76 and Karen Beck Scholarship
Maj. Lee Berra '02 Memorial Scholarship
Hugo Biondi Memorial Scholarship
Contributed by Dr. Frank O'Donnell '68
Agnes and Louis Bonacorsi Scholarship
Thomas V. Bruns '50 Memorial Scholarship
Thomas M. '67 and Barbara J. Buchanan Scholarship
Paul Buehler '73 Memorial Scholarship
Mary Calnane Memorial
Alan Carruthers Scholarship
Presented Anonymously
Sr. Cathlin Casey, B.V.M. Memorial Scholarship
James and Leona Castellano Scholarship
Donated by James '69 and Karen, Joseph '71 and Lynda, Mike '74 and Elizabeth Castellano
Class of '67 Scholarship Fund
Class of ’70 Scholarship Fund
Class of '71 Scholarship Fund
Class of ’72 Scholarship Fund
Colonna-Shurig Family Scholarship
Thomas W. Connors '62 Memorial Scholarship
Eugene Cook, John Corrigan, John Jennings and Jeffrey Strobach (Class of '66) Memorial Fund
A. Francis Coomes, SJ Memorial Scholarship
Given by Carl Schack '54
Dr. Francis J. Corrigan '37 Memorial Scholarship
Fr. Robert T. Costello, SJ Scholarship
Csik Family Scholarship
In honor of Anton and Maria Csik
Juanita and Herb Cummings Scholarship
A loving memorial
Rev. Martin Currigan, SJ Scholarship in honor of his Golden Jubilee
Walter F. and Helen Davisson Scholarship
Walter F. and Sharon R. Davisson Scholarship
Michael J. DiLeo Memorial Scholarship
Alfred J. Dill and Helene M. Dill Memorial Scholarships (3)
Eric A. Dittert '83 Memorial Scholarship
Craig S. Doss - Loyola Academy Scholarship
Charles J. Dougherty '37 Memorial Scholarship
Given by Mrs. Suzanne H. Dougherty
James Doyle Memorial
Rev. John Doyle, SJ Memorial
Contributed by Joseph Pichler '57
John J. Doyle Scholarships
John J. and William E. Doyle, SJ Scholarship
Donated by Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Doyle '44
Ebbie Dunn Scholarship
Given by Robert J. Malone '58
Mark A. Ferrara Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Alphonsus Finan and Ida Jostrand Finan Memorial Scholarship
John Fitzsimmons ’76 Scholarship
Given by Tom ’76, Mary Pat, Laura and Jim ’08 Santel
Fogerty Family Scholarship
James M. Foster Scholarship Trust of 1937
Robert G. and Mary Fournie Scholarship
Fox Brothers Scholarship (Bob '69, John '70, Tom '72, Jim '76, Steve '78)
In Gratitude to Dr. Robert E. & Mrs. L. Louise Fox
Mark H. Garascia Memorial Scholarship
Kathleen Ann Gau Scholarship
James M. Gellhausen Memorial Scholarship
Norman George Scholarship
Melvin and Jane Giles Scholarship
Mae Gradwohl Memorial Scholarship
Michael and Mary Grassi Scholarship
Given by Robert S. Grassi '55
Paul and Marian Greffet Scholarship
Contributed by Joseph Pichler '57
Joseph G. Guignon '64 Scholarship
David J. Gund '66 Scholarship
Donated by the David J. Gund Trust
Edward '31 and Charlotte Gund Scholarship Fund
Donated by David J. Gund '66
Robert L. Gund '36 Scholarship
Donated by David J. Gund '66
Scholarship in memory of Lillian Gunsaullus
Fr. Martin Hagan, SJ Scholarship
Given by the SLUH Jesuit Community
Scholarship in memory of my father and mother, Louis Tesson Hall and Isabel von Phul Hall Louis T. Hall, Jr. '29
Herman and Janice Hamm Scholarship
Henry E. Hampton '57 Memorial Scholarship
Given by classmate Joseph Pichler
Henry E. Hampton Minority Scholarship
Emmet J. Hanick Scholarship
Donated by George '60 and Mary Lou Fitzsimmons
J. Edward Hawk, III Memorial Scholarship
Contributed by Robert J. Maruska '43
Hennessy Family Scholarship
Given by Eugene W. Hennessy '25
Bertha Hincke Memorial Scholarship
Patricia and Lester Hohl Family Scholarship
Fr. Ralph D. Houlihan '52, SJ Scholarship
Given by Tom '76, Mary Pat, Laura and Jim '08 Santel
Kathy Hylla Scholarship
Jesuit Scholarship Fund
Contributed by Dr. Frank O'Donnell '68
Dr. Louis Kappel '28 Scholarship
Contributed by his sons Louis '57, James '58, Stephen '67 and Thomas '69 Kappel
Karl L. Keffler, M.D. and Dorothea L. Keffler Memorial Scholarship
Given by Karl J. Keffler '61
Virginia P. Kelley Memorial Scholarship
Contributed by Edward M. Walsh '44
Francis J. Kenny '32 Memorial Scholarship
Contributed by Mrs. Francis Kenny and Patrick W. Kenny '60
George and Patricia Kloster Scholarship
Joseph A. Komos ’53 Memorial Scholarship
Established in memory of Joe’s commitment to Jesuit education and his strong belief that education uplifts and empowers individuals. Family graduates: Joseph P. Komos ’77, Kevin A. Komos ’81, Anthony M. Ré ’10 and William K. Komos ’15
Therese and Robert Kreier Scholarship
Given by Mrs. Paul S. Brown
Frank and Albert Kump Memorial Scholarship
Mark '70 and Mary Jo LaBarge Family Scholarship
Pierre LaBarge Scholarship Fund
Lachky Family Scholarship
Kelly E. and David J. Laughlin Scholarship
Michael J. L'Ecuyer Memorial Scholarship
Bernie Mack ’64 Family Scholarship
James and Carol Malloy Endowed Scholarship
John F. Mantovani ’36 Memorial Scholarship
Paul L. '74 and Kathleen Matecki Scholarship
John J. McDaniel Memorial Fund (5)
Contributed by Dennis McDaniel '58
William T. and Florence McKenna Scholarship
Patrick R. McNamee ’78 Scholarship Fund
Louis P. Medgyesi-Mitschang Memorial Scholarships (2)
Given by Dr. Louis N. Medgyesi-Mitschang '58
Susan B. Medgyesi-Mitschang Scholarship Fund
Given by Dr. Louis N. Medgyesi-Mitschang '58
Carl J. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund
Leona Millman Memorial Scholarship Fund (Three Scholarships)
Contributed by Robert Millman '54 and Richard Millman '68
Robert H. Millman Scholarship
Given by Robert L. '54 and Richard G. '68 Millman
Robert L. Millman '54 Scholarship
St. Louis University High School Minority Scholarship Fund
Michael H. Mooney '61 Family Scholarship
William M. Moran '65 Memorial Scholarship
Mildred A. Mulcahy Scholarship
Given by J. Patrick Mulcahy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Mungenast Scholarship
Contributed by John '47, Andrew '42, David, Charlotte, Carl '57 and Thomas '44 Mungenast
Bryan Murphy '00 Memorial Scholarship
Joan F. and John T. Murphy Scholarship
Given by John T. Murphy ’81
Michael Murphy '78 Living Memorial
Contributed by Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Murphy '41
Paul J. Murphy, SJ Memorial Scholarship
John T. Neaf '44 Memorial Scholarship
Edward G. Nusrala Memorial Scholarship
Contributed by Edward J. Nusrala '57
Dr. Frank E. O'Donnell '68 Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O'Halloran '46 Scholarship
Paul E. Owens Family Scholarship
Given by the SLUH Jesuit Community
Padberg Family Fund (2)
Eugene and George Pettus Memorial Scholarships (2 )
Helen Proctor Pollard and William B. Pollard, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Pomphrey Family Scholarship
Given by Dr. and Mrs. Martin Pomphrey '61, honoring Martin M. Pomphrey Sr. '36, Martin M. Pomphrey Jr., M.D. '61, Richard B. Pomphrey '64, Patrick J. Pomphrey and Francis G. Pomphrey '40
Edward S. Preusch, SJ Memorial Scholarship
Given by Mr. and Mrs. Cletus A. Ahrens ’42
John J. Quinn '40 Scholarship
Robert Martin and Leona Rose Radel Memorial Scholarship
Given in Loving Memory
Maureen C. Rambo Memorial Scholarship
Jim Raterman Scholarship
Given by Tom ’76, Mary Pat, Laura and Jim ’08 Santel
Albert J. Ravarino Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship in memory of Edward Reale
Tom Reid Scholarship Fund
Carl J. Reis Endowment Fund (6)
Fran and Chris '66 Reither Scholarship Fund
Dr. James F. and Ellen Robinson Fund (4)
Paul L. Rogers Scholarship Fund
Mary Ryan Memorial
Dennis L. Ryll, M.D. Scholarship
Contributed by Dr. Frank O'Donnell '68
Sansone Scholarship
Given by Jim, Tim '84, Doug '89 and Nick '96
Thomas W. ’76 and Mary Pat Santel Scholarship
Walter and Catharine Santel Scholarship
Carl '54 and Merlyn Schack Scholarship (2)
Charles & Helen Schack Memorial Scholarship
Eileen Schaefer Scholarship
Given by her son John '70
Dan Schlafly Class of ’57 Scholarship
Gerald '56 and Susanne Schroer Scholarship
F. Joseph Schulte Endowed Scholarship
Robert R. Schuppe Memorial Scholarship
Matt Sciuto '70 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Sestric Scholarship Fund
Contributed by Anthony '58, Anton, Joseph and Philip Sestric
Fr. Gerald Sheahan, SJ Scholarship
Given by the SLUH Jesuit Community
Paul G. Sheridan, SJ Fully Endowed Scholarship
Paul Sheridan, SJ Scholarship
Fr. Paul G. Sheridan, SJ Scholarship
Given by the SLUH Jesuit Community
SLUH Jesuit Community Scholarship
Lt. John Gates Spindler, USMC ’63 Memorial Scholarship
Given by the SLUH Class of ’63
Michele and John Stephens ‘77 Family Scholarship
In loving memory of SLUH coach and teacher Ebbie Dunn and classmate Andrew Libera '77
John T. Straub '66 Scholarship Fund
John J. Struckhoff '88 Memorial Scholarship
Ed Styffe '55 Memorial Scholarship
Robert Sweney '45 Scholarship
Walter P. and Hilda M. Theiss Scholarship
Bro. C. Thomas Thornton, SJ Scholarship
Given by the SLUH Jesuit Community
Patrick A. Twardowski '60 Family Scholarship
Edmund Unger Family Scholarship
Agnes Vanek Memorial Scholarship
Charles F. and Mary Patricia Vatterott Memorial Scholarship
Vatterott Family Scholarship
Edward J. Walsh, Jr. 1926 Memorial Scholarship
Robert J. Walsh Memorial Scholarship
Sorkis Webbe, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Contributed by classmate Eugene Wehking '47
Joseph Weiler Memorial Scholarship
Stephen K. Weinreich '79 Memorial Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.G. Weiss Memorial Scholarship Fund
George Dorian Wendel Memorial Scholarship
Buzz Westfall Memorial Scholarship
Jonnie R. Williams Scholarship
Contributed by Dr. Frank O'Donnell '68
John O. Wilson '64 Scholarship
Charles Joseph Wolff Memorial Scholarship
Dorothy Woods Scholarship
John D. '66 and Jeanne M. Wunderlich Minority Scholarship
Given in Memory of Charles J. Wunderlich
Scholarship in loving memory of Marie Wunderlich
Catherine A. Young Scholarship
Given by Dr. and Mrs. Paul Young '68
Frederick L. Zimmerman, SJ Memorial Scholarship (2)
Zimmerman Family Scholarship
"SLUH is an environment that will ultimately be the great building block of my success. I am filled with sincere gratitude to have the opportunity to attend SLUH."